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Objetives for the 2nd Quarter!

Im starting this April with some objectives defined.

Here is what I need ASAP:

  • Beat everyone in jj, mt and kb
  • Travel and document it
  • Study:
    • Read 5 books (I’ve been procastinating this)
    • Clean HTB boxes
    • Learn Tensorflow and Pytorch basics
    • Learn Django, Vuejs
  • Work:
    • Nextbrave 1 customer
    • Binrav 1+ customer(s)
    • Revista & Rutazz: generate some income from ads

Pending and not that important:

  • Languages
  • Music: guitar & piano

Let the party begin! 🎉

Keeping it up!

I gotta be honest. I was not at my fullest this week.

I was back to procastinating everything again! 🤕

Annoying things like:

  • Being at computer until 3AM
  • Skipping Lunch?… well not anymore, but eating non-healthy food
  • Skipping reading (… a bunch of books actually)
  • Skipping the development of my own projects
  • Spending too much time on Social Networks
  • Not going for a run just because of the rain

It was like this since last week and I’ve been fighting with myself to avoid this, today I’m trying to catch-up all my activities, all my duties, all my responsabilities and objectives.

I’m feeling better now, but not in a way that I’m more relaxed but proud of doing what sometimes I hate or don’t want to do, I am on my way no.

Probably I can fallback again to procastination, I guess we are not inmune to our bad habits or what is highly dangerous to all of us confort zone.

Anyways, we will always find something in the way, the trick is to standup and keep moving forward.

Training at the gym after missing some classes!
― Training at the gym after missing some classes! ―

I hope you all have a great week, although I don’t know who read this lol 😆


Family Bonds

All these weekends since last year were great.

I feel like me again, right next with my family, creating and sharing memories that will last forever. Not everything is sweet and warm though, we had to experiment difficulties and hard moments which is exactly what Life offer to us and we have to accept and embrace what life has for us all the good and the bad sides, no excuses, no tantrums 😆.

I’ve been also reading a bit bit more… I really wish I could dedicate more time to read more and discover hidden worlds. I’ve been also training at the martial arts gym and I’m making a reasonal progress.

Overall I cannot complain, I’m not that lazy anymore, I’m getting better and better everyday and I’m really proud of me. My road is a big one so I cannot just stop to think or get inspired, I need to keep walking with no rest, I need to keep walking looking only forward and appreciating the new gifts that live give us.

Nothing is easy I know, specially those dreams and objectives that are bigger than other ones, those are hard to get, those hurts in some way.

Keep it up my bro!
